Saturday, March 30, 2013

Thoughts upon finishing the Technology Fellowship

The technology fellowship has been an amazing way to connect to the best resources in Jewish educational technology and has totally inspired me to incorporate technology into my classroom regularly. 

Here are a few ways the fellowship has inspired my work in the past few months:

1. I created a wiki to help my students learn Hebrew.

2. I crafted a project based learning experience on Jonah. I have done this before but never using technology and it is better than ever. 
3. My 7th graders have been engaged in a History game on Zionisms. We are creating a full length iMovie on our project that we will show at Israel day
4. I have helped my fifth graders move the skits they so love to iMovies that are much richer and full of midrashic possibility. It is really pushing their creativity and engagement. My classroom is so exciting!
5. I have moved several of my 7th grade facing history lessons to be digital. My iPad and laptop makes its way into almost every lesson and I am utilizing resources I didn't know existed before on the facing history website. 
6. I created a wiki for a Temple Israel professional development project. The wiki is allowing different groups to work together and is recording our work for the future. 
7. I have moved so many TBZ projects to google docs - no more sending word documents back and forth!

Though I am generally a tech savvy person, this fellowship has really pushed me to put technology front and center in my practice. My goal is to continue to learn and grow and technology changes and develops. Technology is a tool - I want to get better at choosing appropriate tools and allowing technology to be productive in my classroom. 

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