Friday, June 28, 2013

Creating a Webquest for a 5th grade classroom

I have created a 5th grade web quest for the students to use when learning about the V'ahavta prayer. In this web quest, the students will learn about one of the 3 signs or symbols that is referred to in this prayer. I would like them to understand what the symbol is, what line in the prayer refers to that symbol and think about why that symbol is mentioned in this prayer.

This lesson plan will be one of many used to teach about the prayer. The will be learning about vocabulary, grammar and the meaning of this prayer. This lesson will be one of the stations in which they learn more about the meaning of the prayer. The class of 16 students will be divided into 4 groups. One group of 4 will be at this station for 30 minutes before switching with another

group. At the following class, the 2 other groups will have a chance to access this station. Each group will be assigned one of the 3 symbols to research. When they get to the laptop, the laptop will be set to the webquest page. They will need to read articles, watch videos, and fill in a worksheet. When they have completed these activities, they will be ready to create a poster with an image of their symbol and some facts about it as well.

I have used weblinks in this webquest which link to various articles. I have also used multi media pulled from YouTube so that each group has a video to watch. In addition, I linked the worksheet right to the page so that the students can work on it right at the laptop. Finally, I used a Voki to assign the students their presentation portion of the project. I also downloaded a rubistar rubric to the site so that the students know what they will be evaluated on.

I used this webquest with my daughter, but will not be able to truly evaluate it until fall of 2013 when 5th grade will use this in their classrooms.

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